The Friends of Israel Relief Solidarity Trip - AIR & LAND - FOI02NOV24

Day 1 Saturday | Nov 2, 2024

Departure from Newark NJ to Tel Aviv Israel

Arrive to airport on time nad check in for yourflight to Tel Aviv. Overnight flight (Meals on board)

Day 2 Sunday | Nov 3, 2024

Arrival to Israel

Arrival in Tel Aviv (TLV) at 3:15 pm.  Upon arrival in TLV we will clear customs and be met by an IBM Tours representative who will help us collect our luggage, connect with our guide, and take us to our bus.  We will drive to our hotel, the Dan Panorama Tel Aviv.

                                      Check-in, dinner & overnight at Dan Panorama Tel Aviv

Day 3 Monday | Nov 4, 2024

Morning devotions & debrief

8:00 am           Morning devotions & debrief
We will begin each day with a spiritual challenge for the day, prayer, a debrief of the previous day’s visits, and a look ahead to today’s stops.  We will depart the hotel at 9:00 each morning unless noted otherwise.

9:30 am           Tsad Kadima, Rishon Letzion,
Our first stop will be a visit to Tsad Kadima to meet with Avi, head of the Adult Day Center in.  Tsad Kadima (A Step Forward), the Association for Conductive Education in Israel, is an organization that works to educate and rehabilitate children and adults with cerebral palsy and motor disabilities.  Their main goal is to develop each participant’s self-esteem, independence, and competencies toward mainstreaming into regular society successfully, while providing the necessary environmental support along the way.  We provide grants for wheelchairs & educational equipment through the Stand With Israel fund.

1:00 pm           Leket, Ra'anana,
Our first stop is at the national food bank of Israel, located a few miles north of Tel Aviv.  Leket, the Hebrew word for ‘gleaning’, is a volunteer organization that collects, stores, sorts, prepares and delivers food to the needy in Israel.  Leket has been helping to feed those impacted by the war.  We will hear the story of Leket, tour their facility and have an opportunity to volunteer for a half-hour. Please wear closed-toe shoes, be prepared for moderately strenuous activity in comfortable clothing. You may get dirty. The FOI relief fund is supporting the efforts to help feed the needy.

4:30 pm           Hamas & Hezbollah War Update:  Major Elliot Chodoff

6:30 pm           Dinner & overnight at Dan Panorama Tel Aviv

Day 4 Tuesday | Nov 5, 2024

Tel Aviv

8:00 am           Morning devotions & debrief will be on the bus while we drive south

9:00 am           Operation Lifeshield, Gaza Area,
We will depart the hotel at 8:00 am as our day begins near the Gaza border to meet with  heroes of the October 7th attack.  We’ll see bomb shelters firsthand and witness some of the damage from the attack.  We will also see a factory where bomb shelters are made. We will enjoy a special lunch with a family in Nitzan Bet and hear their testimony.  We will also meet with heads of security in the region. Using relief fund grants, FOI has placed more than 15 bomb shelters in Israel since the war began, mostly in the Gaza area, and has placed a total of 78 shelters in the past ten years.

3:30 pm           Rehovot Assembly Kehila, Rehovot,
The Rehovot Kehila Assembly is a church led by two messianic believers who are on staff with FOI, Jack Kurtz and Adi Lekovich.  Located 35 miles north of Gaza on a kibbutz in the city of Rehovot, the church has been under threat of missiles from Gaza since the war began.  Rehovot Kehila Assembly has used Israeli Soldier Aid donations to minister to IDF soldiers with supplies, food, care packages and help their families.  It has opened many doors for spiritual conversations with soldiers.  FOI has also placed bomb shelters on the kibbutz in Rehovot to protect the residents from missile threats.

6:30 pm           Dinner & overnight at Dan Panorama Tel Aviv

7:30 pm           Health Science and Research in Israel, NGO, Tel Aviv
Tonight, we will meet with Health Science and Research in the hotel to learn about their mission to save lives.  They are a newer nonprofit organization run by physicians across Israel that has grown to provide a critical service to front-line medics, doctors, and first responders across the country. FOI has developed a very special partnership with the team and is providing lifesaving medical equipment to the medical teams who need it most.  You will learn more about current battlefield medicine and meet the doctors who are making it possible to save more lives in the “golden hour.”

Day 5 Wednesday | Nov 6,2024

Tel Aviv - Jerusalem

8:00 am           Morning devotions & debrief

8:45 am           Check-out of our hotel

9:30 am           MDA Blood Center, Ramle,
Megan David Adom (MDA) is the Red Cross of Israel.  They provide emergency care and first responder services, including ambulances, medicycles, blood supply and much more.  The MDA Blood Center is a brand new underground facility that processes 97% of the blood used in Israel.  The center is located underground to protect it from missiles and chemical weapons attacks.  MDA Ambulances were some of the first responders to the Gaza communities on October 7th and some of the EMTs lost their lives as they drove into harm’s way.  FOI relief fund grants have paid for five medicycles and an mobile ICU ambulance this fall.

11:00 am         Drive to Jerusalem where we will be for the remainder of our trip

1:00 pm           Jewish Agency for Israel, Jerusalem,
Our first stop is just up the street from our hotel at the historic Jewish Agency for Israel Jerusalem headquarters.  The Jewish Agency is the primary organization that handles Jewish immigration and support for Jewish communities the world over.  When Israel was attacked on October 7th, the Jewish Agency immediately began assisting victims of terror and those who were displaced.  FOI relief fund grants are underwriting the cost of the Jewish Agency Victims of Terror Fund which is assisting those who survived the attack on October 7th.

4:00 pm           Jerusalem Institute of Justice,
We meet with The Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ), in the courtyard of Christ Church in the Old City.  JIJ was begun many years ago by a Jewish Messianic believer to help those who can’t afford legal services with issues of injustice.  They will provide us with a briefing of the vital work they have been engaged with since October 7th, to help many who were affected by the attack with legal matters.  FOI Relief funds help to cover the cost of the legal services that provide assistance to those who cannot afford it.

6:30 pm           Check-in Dan Panorama, Jerusalem,

                                    Dinner & overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem

Day 6 Thursday | Nov 7, 2024


8:00 am           Morning devotions & debrief

9:00 am           MDA Jerusalem Station,
The MDA Station in Jerusalem is the nerve center for emergency calls.  It dispatches ambulances and medicycles to respond to emergencies.  On October 7th, and in the days since, the center has been handling emergency calls, dispatching first responders, tracking their activity and providing support when needed.  The demand since the attack on October 7th has been overwhelming but the brave MDA staff soldier on.  FOI relief fund grants to MDA help sustain this life-saving work.

11:00 am         Visit Western Wall,
We will take a break in our schedule to eat lunch in the Old City of Jerusalem and visit the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. 

2:00 pm           Visit Michael Levin grave, Mt. Herzel

3:00 pm           Visit Michael Levin Lone Soldier Base,
The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Base was started by friends of Michael Levin, an American who came to Israel at age 18 and served in the Israel Defense Forces.  He was a lone soldier, defined as an IDF soldier who has no family in Israel.  Michael was killed in Lebanon in 2006 carrying the dream to one day create a center to support lone soldiers.  His friends made that dream come true and today it provides care, counseling and assistance to lone soldiers who serve in the IDF.  They have been extraordinarily busy helping lone soldiers during the war with Hamas.  FOI helps fund the operations of The Base through relief fund grants.

6:30 pm           Dinner & overnight at Dan Panorama Jerusalem

7:30 pm           Machaseh, Jerusalem - Family Crisis Center
Machaseh’s Family Crisis Center is a Messianic nonprofit based in Jerusalem. They provide a holistic approach to help families, couples, and individuals in physical and emotional crisis. Through volunteer and financial assistance, social services, and after-school care, they help families in many difficult situations. One of their specialties is counseling. Their professionally trained therapists treat individuals and families for issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, anger management, divorce recovery, domestic violence, and vocational counseling. Since the October 7th attack, Machaseh has been helping people with issues of complex post-traumatic stress. You will gain insights into the mental and emotional health crisis that has emerged in Israel since Oct. 7.

Day 7 Friday | Nov 8, 2024


8:00 am           Morning devotions - Be’ad Chaim Pro-Life Organization, Jerusalem
Be’ad Chaim, which means to favor life, will join us for devotions this morning.  It is one of the very few pro-life organizations in Israel, and it is run by believers. Their mission is to end abortion and to preserve life in Israel by offering viable alternatives to abortion through resources for mothers in need, pregnancy counseling, as well as education initiatives. Be’ad Chaim provides hope that empowers women to choose life. Their amazing work includes counseling for those hurting from Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS), shelter for homeless mothers, and supplying practical needs for new babies.  FOI has been a long-time partner with Be’ad Chaim of their Operation Moses program that sponsors babies for the first year of their life; providing the newborn’s food, clothing, diapers, and furniture.

9:00 am           Beit Halochem, Jerusalem,
We begin the day with a visit to the Beit Halochem disabled war veterans center in Jerusalem where we will enjoy lunch before beginning our visit.  Beit Halochem, which means ‘House of Warriors’ in Hebrew, provides rehabilitation and support services to disabled IDF soldiers and their families. Beit Halochem has been helping the hundreds of soldiers injured in the war.  Through grants from the FOI relief funds, we are helping support the financial burden to care for disabled soldiers while Israel is at war.

11:00 am         Jerusalem Assembly
We will visit the Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption (JA), a church that is led by Meno Kalisher, our Israeli Field Director.  Utilizing relief fund grants, the JA has been ministering to IDF soldiers and their families, many of whom are from their congregation.  They have upwards of 40 from the church actively serving in the IDF reserves during the war.  FOI relief funds have provided food, supplies and clothing for soldiers and assisting their families during the absence of their loved one.  This ministry has provided many opportunities to share about God and His Son in light of the tragedy that befell Israel.

1:00 pm           Mt. of Olives and Old City
We will enjoy lunch before visiting the Mt. of Olives for a breathtaking panorama view of the Temple Mount.  This is a great location for photos on the mountain from which Jesus descended and to which He will return someday.  In the afternoon we will walk through the Old City to visit some of the famous Jewish and Christian sites.

7:00 pm           Shabbat of a Lifetime Dinner
Our final dinner in Jerusalem will be a unique experience.  We will leave the hotel and travel to Jewish home where we will celebrate Shabbat with a Jewish family.  After observing the Jewish Shabbat welcome with a prayer and the lighting of a candle, we will learn about and enjoy traditional Jewish foods from different parts of the world.  Our host will explain the foods and tell us about their origins and traditions.  It will be a night to remember!  After dinner we return to the hotel.

Day 8 Saturday | Nov 9,2024


8:00 am           Morning devotions & debrief

9:00 am           U.S. Embassy, Jerusalem
Our first stop is a short visit to the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on our way to the Jerusalem Assembly to see the new Jerusalem location and snap a couple pictures.

10:00 am         Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption
We will attend the Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption (JA) Saturday morning worship service.  The message is preached in both Hebrew and English.

1:00 pm           Free Time
Following lunch, we’ll return to the hotel for free time to pack, take a walk or rest for our return flight home.

5:00 pm           LATE Check out of our hotel.

6:00 pm           Farewell Dinner, Abu Ghosh
Before heading to the airport for our flight home, we will stop at Nafoura Restaurant in Abu Ghosh for a farewell dinner and a chance to reflect upon our journey in Israel.

9:00 pm           Transfer
We have a short ride to the Tel Aviv (TLV) Airport for our check-in and departure to Newark (EWR).

Day 9 Sunday | Nov 10, 2024

Return flight back hom to the USA

12:05 am         Departure from Tel Aviv (TLV) on EL AL flight LY25 leaving at 12:05 am

                        Arrival in Newark (EWR) at 5:05 am


  • Direct flight from EWR – TLV by EL AL airline.
  • Airport taxes and fuel surcharge
  • Meeting and assistance upon arrival/departure at Ben Gurion Airport by IBMT Tour Rep.
  • Escorted group transfers on arrival and departure
  • 6 days in a deluxe air-conditioned motor coach
  • Government Licensed English speaking guide.
  • IBMT hat and wallet
  • 6 nights’ accommodation in 4.5-star hotels
  • Late checkout room up to 6pm
  • Daily buffet breakfast
  • Daily dinner throughout the tour
  • Farewell dinner at Naura in Abu Gosh
  • Shabbat of a Lifetime dinner
  • All visits and entrance fees to sites as per your itinerary
  • Mineral water on Bus on all touring days
  • Porterage at hotels and airport


  • Lunches
  • A La Cart drinks
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips - suggested Guide $6 per day; Driver $3 per day
  • Expenses of a personal nature, drinks or services not mentioned above.


  • A deposit of $300 per person
  • Cancellation: Outside 90 days prior to departure = Loss of $300 deposit
  • Cancellation: Within 60 days prior to departure = 100% Non-Refundable
  • Travel Medical Insurance is highly recommended. We can assist you with this purchase.
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